The Susan G. Komen Hybrid Race/Walk 2021
In 2021, Komen Race and Walk wanted to create an overarching program that was scalable for both virtual and hybrid events – and easy to activate on a local level across the country. The team was tasked with developing interactive programming that would engage the Komen community - whether IRL or at home - to mobilize participants to raise critical funds to end breast cancer forever. In addition to creating a custom toolkit to support national strategy for 60+ Race/Walk markets that included an updated interactive website and assets to be customized and activated for local events, we also produced and directed Komen’s PSA/TV commercial, Opening Ceremony and Audio Experience for the 2021 ONE Community Experience.
We developed and produced Komen’s ONE Komen PSA completely virtually. We were able to capture the stories of participants by sending at-home kits and interviewing them from their homes to put together the ONE manifesto, a 1-minute PSA containing a collection of stories of this community and why they are dedicated to the Susan G. Komen mission. This was used across many platforms including television.
Komen’s ONE Audio Experience Podcast was a new approach to virtual and hybrid events that we implemented to help the community feel connected on event day and beyond by utilizing stories to encourage fundraising and speak to Komen’s mission in a unique way. From casting the host and guests to interviewing participants alongside our podcast editor, we were involved in conceiving the entire audio experience from scratch. We worked with a copywriter to create a script, curate track titles and write descriptions for each episode along with guiding the editing, music selection and overall story arc of the experience. The podcast, which was hosted on Apple Music, Spotify and Komen’s website, was a major success in helping participants feel connected as ONE community on event day, regardless of location.
Watch the full Opening Ceremony here.
We produced Susan G. Komen’s opening ceremony video that kicked off 60+ local events with the goal of grounding participants around the country in the four mission pillars before they started their event day. The video, featuring real members of the Komen community, was both genuine to the participants on the ground and versatile enough that it could be played across program formats from completely virtual to hybrid events.
Agency: CSM